Auto FX AutoEye - полноценная программа и плагин для
Photoshop, которая предназначена для автоматического улучшения
фотографий за счёт анализа цветности, чёткости и прочих параметров.
Поддрживаются изображения в .PSD, .TIF, .BMP, .JPG, .GIF, .PNG и других
форматах. AutoEye не использует стандартных кривых и гистограмм для
настройки изображения и другие традиционные для фотошопа или других
графических редакторов методы редактирования изображений - разработчики
не поленились снабдить программу собственными, уникальными алгоритмами.
AutoEye является идеальным спутником для владельцев цифровой камеры и
позволяет производить коррекцию изображений намного быстрее, чем в
AutoEye was created to automatically improve digital
images by rebuilding color detail, sharpness and image vibrancy.
AutoEye uses a totally different set of adjustment methods than
Photoshop or other image editing applications. AutoEye doesn't use
standard curves and histograms to adjust images on a global basis
within the RGB or CMYK color space. AutoEye's unique methods result in
image enhancements that are easier to attain and yield a higher quality
Improves Images with a Single Click
Not everyone has the time to perfect images with programs like
Photoshop. AutoEye is a huge timesaver as it can instantly correct and
enhance images with a single click.
Improves Input and Output Quality
Regardless of your input and output workflow AutoEye can enhance your
images. AutoEye can make both printed and web images sharper and more
* Enhance under or over exposed photos
* Enhance digital camera photos
* Enhance and correct scans in seconds
* Improve your photos before printing them
* Use AutoEye to sharpen resized images
* AutoEye works great for photo restoration
* AutoEye makes inkjet prints appear sharper
AutoEye Enhancement Controls are easy to learn and quick to use.
Complex algorithms and image adjustments are performed behind the
scenes so you can stay focused more on the visual and less on technique.
Unlike image editing programs, AutoEye does not make you jump from one
dialog menu to another and back again trying to find the right
combination and order of adjustments to perfect your image.
Combine Multiple Adjustments Together.
In Photoshop and other image editing applications you must manually
enhance images by working with Levels, Curves, Color Balance, Unsharp
Mask, Contrast, Saturation, Adjustment Layers and other controls
independently of each other. As you move between these dialogs your
image information changes. Avoid
Control Interupts
As you adjust controls the effect updates itself automatically. An
intelligent control interrupt system allows you to interrupt the effect
if it is updating itself.
Advanced Preview System
AutoEye's adjustable preview features a 1600% marquee zoom capability
with built in panning support. Previews can be shown in Proxy mode so
they render blazingly fast regardless of the image size
Click a memory dot on the interface and AutoEye 2.0 remembers your
current settings. You can explore with your design ideas and come back
to where you were with a single click
File Open and Save Support
AutoEye features file loading and saving support for: .psd, .tif, .bmp,
.jpg, .gif, .png file formats. Saving in Photoshop format will export
the effect layers into a single transparent layer in a Photoshop native